Sunday, July 19, 2020

Just a Little Different

The Creator made each of us a little different, no two alike.
He made no mistakes or imperfections, just varied each of us a little.
He made some strong to help the weak.
He made some weak to encourage the strong.
He made some to be leaders and some to be followers.
He made some to be teachers and some to be hearers.
He made some to laugh loudly and some to cry softly.
He made some to run long races and others to sit quietly and hold a hand.
He made some to climb high mountains and some to explore the low valleys.
He made some with dazzling smiles and some with loving eyes, some with rough hands and some with soft, gentle ones.
He made each of us a little different so we would accept the differences

And find his perfect love in everyone.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Complete Nourishment

Each year when it appears that winter is in its last stages I embark on an ambitious plan to do some serious gardening.  A trip (or two) to the garden center is always first priority and I always leave with more pots, plants, and other supplies than I really need no matter how much I remind myself that everything I plant then will need daily watering in July and August!

In addition, I usually pick up a new container of plant food as I know that the plants must be fed a regular diet of the food if I expect them to really thrive.  If you garden, then you also understand the need to feed plants a regular diet of supplemental food.  Just sunshine and water isn’t enough.
Our physical body has requirements, too and most of us understand what is needed to maintain a well-balanced life style. A little exercise and regular nightly sleep are important, but a nourishing diet is essential to stay in good health.

As Christians we know that our spiritual self also needs nourishment.  Prayer, Bible studies, and fellowship with other Believers are building blocks for a meaningful relationship with our Lord.  But too often we overlook an important item in our spiritual diet when we fail to embrace and experience God’s love.  He pours out blessings on us and we label them as coincidences instead of recognizing them as an outpouring of his care for us.  In the busyness of life, we don’t take time to remember that he is with us in our every breath and feel his presence.

God is love and his love is everywhere, wrapping itself around us and pouring into our hearts.  Don’t overlook it. Welcome it, embrace it, and grow in relationship with him.

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. I John 4:16 NIV