Sunday, June 21, 2020

Let It Shine!

Many of us grew up singing the children’s’ hymn, “This Little Light of Mine” about letting our little lights shine all around the big wide world. This delightful little song certainly has more meaning now, doesn’t it?

As believers we have a tremendous opportunity to let our lights shine forth. The light from within our heart, supplied by the Father, and made possible through the Son is much needed by today’s world. The daily news has nothing encouraging to offer, but we continue to experience the love and hope God offers to us and we, in turn, must share it with those around us. So, let your light shine!

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 NKJV

Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Different View

For several years I’ve enjoyed three miniature African Violets as part of my kitchen window vignette. In watering them I spilled water on the window sill and moved one of them to the counter to wipe it up.  I had never paid much attention to this one because it was rather boring to look at.  The leaves seemed pale and the blooms were nondescript compared to the profuse, deep purple ones on the plant next to it.

As I reached to put it back in the window sill, I was stunned at what I saw.  Instead of pale, washed out leaves I saw vibrant green and cream-colored variegated patterns. There was one bloom and several stalks loaded with tiny buds that would soon open to reveal a unique shade of lavender. It really was a beautiful little violet!

It was easy to see the analogy.  When I looked at the plant from its side it had no appeal. But when I looked at it in a different setting and from a different view, I realized its true beauty; I saw it in a different way.  We see each other from a side view, so to speak, not realizing and appreciating the true beauty of the person within.   God sees us from every angle, inside and out.  He sees each person’s true beauty and loves us without partiality.  Perhaps we would do well to remember to look at each other from a different view, more like God looks at us.