Sunday, January 31, 2021


Chapel window at Mission Espada

In the troubled times, in the hectic times, God is with us. He then gives the peaceful times to reflect and know that he is God and he is in all things.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Thought for New Year's Eve 2020


It is hard to believe that in just a few hours the clock will turn to midnight and we will be in a new year. After the upheaval and unusualness of 2020 most of us are welcoming in 2021 with a sigh of relief that 2020 is over, but also with a good understanding that 2021 will also provide its challenges.

 January 1st always seems a little special, but we all know that it is a day just like any other. Ideas for resolutions, goals, and plans for the coming year will be a part of many people’s New Year’s Day activities.  Proverbs 16 shares two thoughts on making plans that are good to remember as we think of the coming year.

A man’s heart plans his way,
      But the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
    and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

The wisdom of Proverbs reminds us that we make our plans based on what we think is best, but it is God who will direct them according to his will.  Give your plans for 2021 to God.  Let him work on them and he will make them successful.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

First Sunday of Advent 2020


I had two motivators this year to put up my Christmas decorations early.  One was that my oldest grandson was available on Tuesday to help me and the other was that, like last year, Thanksgiving would be later in November.  I wanted to avoid the frustration that I had in 2019 when I had to rush into the holidays quickly, trying to decorate and do everything else in fast mode.  It was mid-December before I got the decorations done and I felt short-changed on the time I had to enjoy them.  I wanted an early start this year and a good attitude for the Christmas season.

While it felt strange on Thanksgiving Day to walk through the living room and see the decorations in all their array, on the Friday afterward it was a good feeling.  The lights are plugged in and I’ve already baked 12 dozen cookies.  I’m happy.

I’m enjoying the decorations because I know they only come out once a year and then for just a few weeks.  They will be packed away, the house will look empty, and in 8 weeks it will be Ash Wednesday (February 17th) and Lent.

In thinking about the short time between Christmas Day and Ash Wednesday I checked some dates. The time frame between the two most important Christian celebrations is equal to or less than a quarter of a year. The earliest Ash Wednesday can occur is February 4th and the latest is March 10th which means that we can go from Christmas to Ash Wednesday in 6-11 weeks and to Easter Sunday in 3-4 months. Interestingly, scholars believe that Jesus was actually born during the summer months, but to avoid conflicts with pagan celebrations the observance of his birth was moved to December. 

In Jesus’ life, however, Christmas and Resurrection Sunday were 33 years apart. And, Jesus ministry on this earth was only for 3 of those years. I’m glad we don’t celebrate Christmas and then wait 33 years for Easter Sunday! I'm glad we celebrate Jesus birth in December and then, while our hearts are still filled with the Christmas spirit we begin the journey to the cross. 

Jesus’ birth was the beginning of God’s plan of salvation and Easter Sunday the completion of the gift of eternal life for believers.  Advent is the start of the celebration; Easter is our goal. Let’s get started, prepare your heart for Christmas and be filled with the peace, hope, joy, and love of Advent.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

We All Need a Little Beauty


Rose Variety: The Magician
Photo source: Heirloom Roses

We all need a little beauty in our lives throughout each day, whether it is seen in a photograph of a beautiful rose or a gentle thought someone shares with us.  Beauty comes in many forms and it is God's gift and we are to enjoy it.

The rose in the center of this picture reminds me of the roses that grew on a bush at a house where my family lived in Louisiana.  The peach roses were beautiful and very prolific.  My mother would clip a few and wrap the stems in wet paper towels and then a foil outer wrapping so I could take them to my teacher.  The had short stems and grouped together made a pretty bouquet.

Beauty is all around us if we just open our eyes to receive it!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

With COVID and all the other disturbing events we are witnessing this summer I’ve found myself looking for peaceful moments and little signs of encouragement.  I’ve found them frequently; thanks be to God!

In the past few weeks, I have had glimpses (above the rooftops and through the trees) of several brightly colored sunrises and others with a changing light display on the morning clouds.  Some mornings colors are of a soft medium hue while others have been a no-holds barred display of brilliant oranges, yellows, and deep rose tones. I’ve found watching the slow-motion changing of the colors and clouds while sipping coffee is the perfect, calming way to start the day.

As I watched one morning, I thought about all the sunrises of my life.  Truthfully, I’ve only watched a small percentage of them although I know there has been one every day that I’ve been alive.  The troubles and worries from the day before may still linger and uncertainties about tomorrow abound, but each sunrise brings a new day, a fresh start, and another day of life. Each day is a gift, let’s remember to treasure it and take one day at a time.

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day. Matthew 6:34 RSV

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Just a Little Different

The Creator made each of us a little different, no two alike.
He made no mistakes or imperfections, just varied each of us a little.
He made some strong to help the weak.
He made some weak to encourage the strong.
He made some to be leaders and some to be followers.
He made some to be teachers and some to be hearers.
He made some to laugh loudly and some to cry softly.
He made some to run long races and others to sit quietly and hold a hand.
He made some to climb high mountains and some to explore the low valleys.
He made some with dazzling smiles and some with loving eyes, some with rough hands and some with soft, gentle ones.
He made each of us a little different so we would accept the differences

And find his perfect love in everyone.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Complete Nourishment

Each year when it appears that winter is in its last stages I embark on an ambitious plan to do some serious gardening.  A trip (or two) to the garden center is always first priority and I always leave with more pots, plants, and other supplies than I really need no matter how much I remind myself that everything I plant then will need daily watering in July and August!

In addition, I usually pick up a new container of plant food as I know that the plants must be fed a regular diet of the food if I expect them to really thrive.  If you garden, then you also understand the need to feed plants a regular diet of supplemental food.  Just sunshine and water isn’t enough.
Our physical body has requirements, too and most of us understand what is needed to maintain a well-balanced life style. A little exercise and regular nightly sleep are important, but a nourishing diet is essential to stay in good health.

As Christians we know that our spiritual self also needs nourishment.  Prayer, Bible studies, and fellowship with other Believers are building blocks for a meaningful relationship with our Lord.  But too often we overlook an important item in our spiritual diet when we fail to embrace and experience God’s love.  He pours out blessings on us and we label them as coincidences instead of recognizing them as an outpouring of his care for us.  In the busyness of life, we don’t take time to remember that he is with us in our every breath and feel his presence.

God is love and his love is everywhere, wrapping itself around us and pouring into our hearts.  Don’t overlook it. Welcome it, embrace it, and grow in relationship with him.

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. I John 4:16 NIV

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Let It Shine!

Many of us grew up singing the children’s’ hymn, “This Little Light of Mine” about letting our little lights shine all around the big wide world. This delightful little song certainly has more meaning now, doesn’t it?

As believers we have a tremendous opportunity to let our lights shine forth. The light from within our heart, supplied by the Father, and made possible through the Son is much needed by today’s world. The daily news has nothing encouraging to offer, but we continue to experience the love and hope God offers to us and we, in turn, must share it with those around us. So, let your light shine!

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 NKJV

Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Different View

For several years I’ve enjoyed three miniature African Violets as part of my kitchen window vignette. In watering them I spilled water on the window sill and moved one of them to the counter to wipe it up.  I had never paid much attention to this one because it was rather boring to look at.  The leaves seemed pale and the blooms were nondescript compared to the profuse, deep purple ones on the plant next to it.

As I reached to put it back in the window sill, I was stunned at what I saw.  Instead of pale, washed out leaves I saw vibrant green and cream-colored variegated patterns. There was one bloom and several stalks loaded with tiny buds that would soon open to reveal a unique shade of lavender. It really was a beautiful little violet!

It was easy to see the analogy.  When I looked at the plant from its side it had no appeal. But when I looked at it in a different setting and from a different view, I realized its true beauty; I saw it in a different way.  We see each other from a side view, so to speak, not realizing and appreciating the true beauty of the person within.   God sees us from every angle, inside and out.  He sees each person’s true beauty and loves us without partiality.  Perhaps we would do well to remember to look at each other from a different view, more like God looks at us.